Lessons from Pike Place Fish Market

The famous Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle.

The Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, WA is famous for WOWing people.  This is the fish market that is famous for throwing fish.  It’s a little bit of theatre and a must do on most Seattle visitors’ itineraries.  This is a company worth emulating and it is easy to learn from John Yokoyama’s great company.  He and long time business coach Jim Bergquist have created a business training division.  There is a training video and a book both called simply “Fish.”  The two men also speak to businesses large and small and at industry conferences.

There are four simple lessons:  1. Play, have fun in your job, it makes a difference for you and for those around you.  2. Be There, be present, be engaged.  3. Choose Your Attitude, you choose what your mood will be, it’s no one’s responsibility but yours.  4. Make Their Day, staff at the fish market entertain and engage the customers.  They take them behind the counter and have them try to catch a fish.  It’s an experience, and many a visitor walks away having had a fishmonger make their day.

Google, Pike Place Fish Market images.  People catching flying fish, kissing fish, and smiling.  Do you have those kinds of smiles in your business?  What can you do this week that will make a difference?